Just like any choice we make in life, the choice to become involved with gangs comes with consequences. These consequences can vary but sometimes the outcome could steal your life.
Gangs are not in my community; they're big city problems.
- Nope, Gangs and gang culture can be found anywhere, especially with the way social media in today’s world works. These influences can be found in big cities and small towns across the world.
- Actually, a “wanna-be” stands to be more dangerous than someone who may already be in a gang, these people who “wanna-be” often have more to prove which might make them more dangerous, this also makes them more at-risk for being recruited by gangs or being involved in gang behaviors.
- Truth is, there are a lot of good kids out there who are still affected by gangs and gang involvement. There are a lot of youth who walk around with gang ideations that don’t even realize that’s what it is. Sometimes Social media can influence your child’s dress, attitude or lifestyle which could be detrimental and leave lasting effects on them.
- This may be the case in certain areas or states but here in Utah gangs are non-territorial. You can find rival gang members living on the same street or next to each other. Gang members can live in affluent areas regardless of social or economic status.
- The style of gang clothing has changed throughout the years. Like the shift in trends, gang style clothing has not always stayed the same. Some Gangs will claim or use one color to signify that gang, but the members are not limited to only wearing that color or dressing a certain way. Some gang members do use popular symbols or professional team logos to signify their gang, but this is not always done.
- This my friend is profiling, and not ok. Gang members can sometimes be hard to spot or identify today. In today’s world gang members have become more contemporary, they don't all dress alike and some are more mainstream to the trends that are coming and going to be less obvious to police, teachers and even parents. You may find that some behaviors are more of an indicator than one’s physical appearance.
- Wrong, there is. Ask questions especially if you are seeing an up rise in things like gang graffiti, join the community council and attend community meetings to stay informed. Know the signs if you think your child or someone close to your child might be exhibiting at-risk gang behaviors and don’t be afraid to talk to them about it. Stay active in your child’s life and in your community.
Consequences of the gang life style
"I will kidnap you, raise you, then return you to your family so they can bury you."
-Sincerely, The Streets
There are many consequences for youth who decided to become gang involved especially at an early age. Gang membership affects not only you (the person involved) but everyone around you. It can bring fear to close family and friends not only for your safety but their own safety and well being. Although most of the time gang membership that comes at an early age doesn't last long, the outcomes from this decision could last a life time. If you don't pay the ultimate sacrifice with your life, the long term affects can include bad behavior patterns that can roll over to different addictions. Any crime committed or time served due to these behaviors can have lasting affects that come back to bite you later on in life with possible career choices or school path.